Tuesday, May 25, 2021

May 25 2021 Tuesday 1100L Dissipating Chemtrails Begin Again

 Dissipating trails being sprayed directly overhead by drones and jets in conjunction with my movements on the ground, when I go outside, and  some are lingering longer than normal dissipating trails, means different materials are being sprayed, the various particulates all have different "Functions", according to the patents.  

There is a direct line of sight cam on the new water tanks put in by one of the welfare ranchers out here, it is focused on my front door, and all of my property, it is as close as they can get easily....I am sure the government paid for it, it is on state land, this is richardson and pearce, republicrat coke lords and all their police mobsters, and all their government money....I wonder if this secret police here will meet the same end as all secret police?  

The audacity of hope, huh?  

This is NM trash tactics, they are good at it too the lying thieving worms, they are mostly all just lord loving garbage, and too stupid to even know what they are....this has been going on for a long time now, harassment and intimidation, I personally am used to it, and would not have come back here if I wasn't ready for it again, and all the military human experimentation which is this states life blood, I guess....I am glad to see them spending their money, they like to try to show you how much you are being watched, well, I did that, I keep them around, and I feed them bad meat, and I watch all the bombs go off and I know revenge is mine.  I hope they burn in hell, today.


curved lines and short full chemtrails sprayed over florida mountains /deming since last entry, 5 or 6 lines, a ground heater of special attributes, focusing lots of solar on a very small portion of the earths surface, according to the patent.  thats what nm needs, more of that, all that does is start fires, and I suppose thats beginning to happen again, like the dems did to further distract the donald there at the end.


That above became a thin active auroral ionic plasma mass and has drifted overhead this location now.  more lines to east and north, bigger, thicker, this is a major ground heater plasma being moved in.


Here is one of the directly overhead lines, notice it starts right over this location, i am an experiment involving a lot of aircraft, and army resources, and many many surveillance devices, this is what the army always does, when denied an external enemy they always turn on the subject populace, the generals and other officers  are all devo chimps and should be tried for war crimes, military trash.


so this construct seems to be something like a reflective bowl of sprayed and distributed chemical around this locale, very novel ground heating weapons being tested on us today.


Chemtrailing here has increased into a major op with a full broadcast canopy being created and maintained, then maneuvered into place.  As the various chemicals in these patented particulates spread they degrade into ionic forms and emit radiations on the ground below, some are ionizing radiations some are laser some are novel, and it seems this is what we have here today, very quick sunburns, all patented, weapons tests on Americans by the people who have taken over the army after the 911 coup.

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