Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sabotage By Americas Media-Revered Money Mongers

Once Americans wake up to the sabotage that has been happening since 911, and even well before, things will get a little gnarly as power changes.  None of the old stuff will work like it used to, and new things will happen every day.

There was no chemical spraying all day yesterday that I saw, and none so far today, and the sky has taken on aspects of normalcy, which is abnormal looking now because we have had 20 years of the bush crime families ridiculous shit, which was, at the bottom line, a plan to internationalize law enforcement and the secrecy state, new royalty.

They are still using their drones and fuel-gobbling single passenger air farce jets to influence this weather out here, to enforce this drought.  Even when they don't spray a line to stop a cloud mass from moving in, they still can and do send 20-30 drones and jets to accomplish the same thing, which is one reason airplane flight must go away except for emergencies and space vehicles, all carefully monitored for their effects in the atmosphere.  


Do it or die, these new royal scumbags and their pilots and police and lawyers and biotech weapons are just a mob and are pretty much worthless for anything unless directed and overseen with great care, they are all inbred tv watchers.

Off with their heads.  They can choose not to be royalty, but hardly any do that.  Harry is the only smart one of the bunch.  Just like they can choose what religion, or not, they adhere to.

One thing is sure, all this BS experimentation by little tin rich boys has just about ruined America and there has been a lot of help from without.  All those saboteurs, and the other people who are interested in promoting an internationalist agenda in America, all those people are on lists.

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