There can be no freedom of the press, nor freedom of speech, nor freedom in learning, when half of everything is Secret.
The disgusting animals of aristocratic political thievery have invented hysteria over the flu so they could crash the economy and take over politically. And when that didn't work they started shooting kids in schools ala Project Northwoods, just like Obama did.
Crisis actors, Playas NM.
When this doesn't get people in line again out come the micronukes, I guarantee it. The best micronukes are created in israel of course....who else could be behind all this? The two parties in America are israel.
The two parties are israel, did you get that? The lord lovers of the republican party are quite up front about their true allegiances, and Joe Bidenheimer is the queens butler, and she has been the maid of israel all her life.
My term for the directed energy weapons being used on Americans by the Army here is "Radiant Arsenal". A lot of bio-technological weaponry is used in conjunction with the radiant arsenal in order to make people more sensitive to the electronic mind control of radiation weapons. The directorate for these weapons is in ABQ BTW.
You might just get a stomach ache or headache from directed energy, which is definitely part of a Spectrum of predictable behavior achieved by this technology, but if you have been infected with other biotech as pictured below, it makes that light up like you would not believe. These aristocrats like bush obama biden are evil ghouls and if you know how to interpret the past correctly you will see that they are headed for bad bad things.
This was put on me in Tampa Florida by a government team right after 911, and I was clueless. The Tampa Tribune was probably involved and maybe orchestrated it. These zionists had direct financing from Israel, perhaps through Clintons henchman Jeffrey Epstein. I had it cut off four times, the fourth time was in the VA in ABQ, 12 days, and it was coming back through the skin graft before it was even healed. A couple of the pictures below were after gilbert arrizaga had cut it off the second or third time, and it just kept coming back faster and faster after each surgery. It was a weaponized cancer.
VA ABQ took pictures of this at its worst too, though I would be surprised if those pictures are still accessible. Fortunately I found, and I got it taken care of, otherwise I would be dead, which was their intention. I am one of the very few who have survived this, although I heard from several veterans doctors that there were over 600 gulf war I vets who died of this exact same aggressive incurable skin cancer. What a coincidence eh? All that evidence gone. A large part of my right shoulder has been cut away now, but trying to get help for this is like trying to wake the dead, nobody in government wants any part.
Heres the SCOOP. Most of the Gulf War one medical records were in the Murrah Building in OKC when it was destroyed, a year after Waco. Thats not all that was destroyed, either, but those records were definitely starting to show illegal use of biotech during that war, and because the government had big plans for Gulf War II they did not want that information discovered, although some doctors were already starting to understand it. A lot of family members were infected with exotic biotech by returning GIs, and this is well known, even in the secrecy state.
Present day vaccines may serve the same purpose, removing people, targeting we who accidently or otherwise became infected with illegal gulf war biotech, simple prudence, because these genetic things will remain detectable for ever. The effort to eradicate people exposed to gulf war biotech is probably incorporated into present day vaccines. This is highly denied by anyone and everyone in the 2 party government.
added 14 april 2021. there was of course a lot more to this than what has been stated above. the directed energy experiments on me only began after the infection was well entrenched. it began as a hard bump under my skin, later i saw that is how anthrax starts and some other biologicals used as weaponry. i found out from cdc that 10 of the top 12 bioterror agents manifest just like this. Gilbert Arrizaga studied it and tried to find answers for what it was, but was consigned to calling it an aggressive incurable skin cancer, the same terms used to describe so much gulf war shit. i am sure he, like me, ended up at the gulf war stuff because it is all that resembles this. the doctors at VA said squamous cell, but admitted they were unclear on a lot of the cancer causing agents. also, the directed energy tests included active auroral which had just been deployed after the 911 rewrite of americas laws.
The method of application by the quasi government team involved many steps to improve deniability. I wrote a very disjointed book once about all this called death recipes, and it was just a record as i remembered things at that time, all the while knowing i should record it somehow even if it was just impressions, because time goes on and memory does too, so the sooner the better when recording something like that.
on the other hand, there are things that come to the fore only after much consideration, call them realizations or epiphanies, some are the product of people on the inside letting things slip, like the military handlers just having to let you know they are handling you and responsible for your torture, that happened out in the west a lot, the mormons are devious and evil, now they control the nsa here, they are way worse than the russians ever thought of being. they have cover storys for this, after driving you into the dirt they blame it on personal hygiene or whatever lies they can concoct among their foul selves, but believe me, i was not the only one this happened to, not by a long shot, though i may be the only one who survived to tell about it. death recipes highlights the fact that this "team" encompassed many more people than i initially thought. some knew, some didnt, but were easily manipulated with money. very diabolicial shit.
this gulf war bio weapon that was put on me was basically a product of a weapoins lab in the everglades instituted by jeb bush during his time as governor, his side action, secret mostly, but it got out they were making an experimental simian lab in the glades and i got ahold of it and made a stink, as is my way. so this stuff was put on a mattress that was sold to me, multiple applications of bioweapons that dried, then became infectious at the application of moisture. this also involves a long time sexual partner who acted a lot like the girls of jeffrey epstein, now that i am witness to some of the stuff they have said, and she made heavy advances and i fell right into it....the woman was never before known for anything rough or violent, although after i was sold the mattress and she came onto me she had these really long nails put on and she scratched me heavily on my back, the places that would be exposed to the mattress. One day on my trip it rained and i smelled the mattress, and dumped it at the dump in cliff nm, where the dump guy liked it because it looked brand new, so he took it home, and his wife used it, and she developed a sore just like mine and died from it. true story. i have the book death recipes in many places, some of it is conjecture, some is right on. these secret stasi police of the dhs put together by the other bush are just covering up the crimes of the medically corrupt international elite and wanna-be royals of america....b
addendum 31 may 2021
came across some other pix of the wound, it must be said that the pix included here was after a particularly bad radiation day, those chemtrails over hachita during bush period were really bad, they were seeing who could take what. i saw many violent incidents on bad chemtrail days.
this wound began as a hard bump under the skin, probably contracted from that mattress which was prepared for that reason, as explained above. the wound then erupted and wept a fluid but never healed, it just grew larger. the pix above is before the fourth surgery and again after a sever irradiation by the world government military which has possession of our military.
the drug in the bloodroot is called an escharotic, it promotes the formation of a scab, overcoming the anti-escharotic tendencies of this skin cancer. so a scab formed shutting off the continual weeping of the wound, and then the wound healed normally. It also soaked into the tissue as far as necessary to remove all the cancerous cells. finally, there was a fever induced by it too.
so the above picture is not really representive of what the wound started as or grew from. it had periods where i either avoided heavy radiation, or like when i would skin or scuba dive regularly, it went into a dormant period. i remember those chemtrail days and how they hurt though, and even if the wound was dormant those electrochemical chemtrail attacks by the bush administration made that thing fire right up.
i feel extremely fortunate to have found the antidote to this gulf war bioweapon system.